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Download Nicholas Clayton - A Butler's Guide to Entertaining in FB2, PDF


Do things in style, with this essential advice from a real British butler to the rich and famous! As we know from Downton Abbey , there's nothing like a butler for properly entertaining a crowd. This is the ultimate guide from the man who knows how it's done, whether you are hosting cocktails for colleagues, afternoon tea with the family, or a full-blown feast for friends. Real butler Nicholas Clayton covers invitations, greeting guests, seating plans, place settings, and much more!, The rise of the celebrity chef and the downturn in the economy has re-kindled an interest in all things culinary and encouraged the great British public back indoors to cook and entertain for themselves. Who better to steer you through the minefield of entertaining etiquette than a quintessentially English butler? This is the ultimate guide to entertaining in style from the man who knows how it's done, whether you are hosting cocktails for colleagues, afternoon tea with the family, or a full-blown feast for a legion of friends. Invitation etiquette and how to greet you guests is covered, alongside information on seating plans, place settings and organizing the table service. Plenty of information on estimating quantities, preparation and serving the food and drink is included, and there is even advice on steering away guests who have outstayed their welcome. Containing everything you need to know about entertaining, this is a must-have guide for any host with the most.

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